Top 10 Activities for Couples to Enjoy near Montagu

Montagu, a small, charming town in the Western Cape, is well-loved for a great many things… Dried fruit and nuts; hot water springs; Cape Dutch architecture; and of course, friendly locals. These are the top ten activities for couples to enjoy in and around Montagu: #1 Enjoy a Unique Tractor Ride near Montagu While not strictly … Continue reading “Top 10 Activities for Couples to Enjoy near Montagu”

Top 10 Activities in Montagu

Montagu, a small, charming town in the Western Cape, is well-loved for a great many things… Dried fruit and nuts; hot water springs; Cape Dutch architecture; and of course, friendly locals. Situated along the famous Route 62, this small town is surrounded by mountains, farmlands and natural Cape beauty. It is a breath of fresh air … Continue reading “Top 10 Activities in Montagu”